skin sensitive to touch but nothing there

2. Surgeon / Neurological Surgery Dr. Mark is online now Related Medical Questions I'm a male 37 and I have a soft distinct pouch area on my Later in life, the inactive virus may reactivate, turning into shingles (herpes zoster). That tingling feeling might be in one specific area or widespread over your body. The Link Between Gut Health and Anxiety: Your Frequently Asked Questions, A red rash that starts a few days after the pain begins, have a rash around your eye or a widespread rash, pain-relieving medications ( OTC acetaminophen), home remedies (wet compresses, calamine lotion, and colloidal oatmeal baths), Pain, tenderness and/or swelling in tendons, Stiffness, pain, throbbing, swelling and tenderness in one or more, Redness and pain of the eye, such as conjunctivitis, Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), Topical treatments (topical corticosteroids, vitamin D analogues, anthralin, topical retinoids, calcineurin inhibitors, salicylic acid, coal tar, moisturizers). Sounds like Fibromyalgia and /or RA?!? I am happy after reading your post. The body releases chemicals during the stressful times and those chemicals overstimulate the nervous system. They advised me to get myself tested immediately. If the sunburn is accompanied by high fever, extreme pain, confusion, chills, headache, or nausea, if pus or red streaks appear from an open blister, or the pain and swelling increase, inform your doctor. What do you do for that? At the moment my stomach and (man) boobs are very sensitive. Do not keep pressing on the area to see if the sore feeling is still there. Do you have sensitivity to cold or heat? My chiropractor popped my knuckles recently and my joints swelled with pain. So, even things like a breeze, brushing light material against the skin, or gently touching the skin can cause pain and sensitivity. Comment below or email us at [emailprotected] with your ideas! at the local hospital. I had bouts of severe face pain: behind my eye, under my eye, cheek area. Still no relief. Our skin can provide helpful information to us and our medical team about exposure to toxins, potential conditions, and any acute skin trauma we may have experienced. The diabetic patients find an increased sensitivity in their legs, and there is no rash, but even a slight touch causes severe pain. Rubbing on them with some pressure hurts, too. wondering how my job wearing a headset If not diagnosed Lyme disease can progress and cause more serious complications, one of which is that the skin can become very sensitive to touch. Pregnancy makes your skin even more sensitive than other times in life. Features People who have had spinal cord injuries are especially at risk for developing nerve-ending conditions. Started just under right shoulder blade and a few days later the underside of my right bicep. My symptoms began with tingling and numbness in both lower arms and hands, lower legs and feet, and around my mouth. At first I thought shingles due to the location, but never developed a rash. There you can find practical advice on how to fix it. and eventually the itchy rash would go away. Look for the causes behind before looking for a cure to treat Allodynia. Thanks for your comment and feedback. 10 Ways to Control Blood Sugar without Medication, Reasons Why Your Skin Is Sensitive to Touch, Essential Oils for Sunburn: Usage Tips and Recipes, Scaly Skin: Causes, Complications, and Prevention Remedies, Top 10 Skin Rejuvenating Foods to Add to Your Diet. I hope this touch sensitivity goes away soon. If you suffer from skin pain, these conditions could cause your skin to feel sensitive. Most painful, ( luckily) is right under the bra line, so wearing a bra isnt to bad. I have broken by tailbone a few times and no telling what else I have messed up over the years. What it sounds to me like is what us older people (and some doctors) used to call "neuralgia" which basically means "pain to the touch of the skin." I've had it in varying places all over my body during the years. I had a muscle cramp on by left side. Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal pain disorder and has no known cause. Also, please try asking this question in our new Facebook community. It lasts for about a week goes away and returns several days later. but just sore and my bra really irritates not have any other symptoms so at a loss.knowing someone else has the same thing makes me feel better, just wish I knew what causes it. The burn, tingle and itch. I am also having throbbing pains in my leg muscles.I noticed this morning that my ankles feel like they are stove up and painful to move. My priority is getting my budget back in balance. Thank you Crystal for sharing your experience. It has now spread to my back. Elbow pain is a common condition that often be attributed to sports or physical activities that require a continuous repetitive bending at the elbow joint. Other psychological symptoms of PMDD may include, per the OWH : Hopelessness or despair. Just the tops and no where else. Increased risk factors include being older than 50 years of age and having a weakened immune system. Lets explore possible causes and treatments for sensitive skin. If it is connected to shingles, you can try these Essential Oils for Treating Shingles (especially geranium oil which has been shown to be effective for postherpetic neuralgia), but I think it would also be a good idea to get a second opinion from a dermatologist regarding your condition. However, some forms of neuropathy are permanent and require treatment in the form of pain medication or soothing creams and patches, depending on the area affected. There are many potential causes for sudden skin sensitivity, like exposure to allergens or contact dermatitis, chronic conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea, or acute trauma from excess sun exposure. I have not had a flare up for months. What . Sensitive skin is very treatable and may require a visit to the dermatologist. No rash, irritation, etc. A few weeks ago I started to get pain in my upper right arm also experiencing tingling in that arm, down to my fingers. On my back, shoulders and part of my forearm bicep..this really hyper sensitivity to my skin. This was one of the things the rheumatologist who diagnosed me with fibromyalgia explained to me. Its like this on both sides of my back and not anywhere else. I have had a skin sensitivity to the touch problem since November of 2020. While taking them, the only side effects were weight gain and moon face. Fatigue. Thanc, Louise. For example, your skin can be super sensitive to air, touch, heat, cold, or anything resting on, touching, or dragging across it (blankets, clothing, others touching you, etc. When people discuss skin sensitive to touch, they tend to imagine a skin that is allergic to beauty products or prone to redness. No one knows what to do and I really cant take this much longer. Also some people bruise more easily than others, so its really hard to say what had caused the bruising and pain in your case, although it seems quite logical that sleeping on the affected side of the body on a hard mattress contributed to the pain. Please let us know what your Neurologist says as it may help someone else. Breast Cancer 101 Part I What Is Breast Cancer, Types and How to Identify? hi I have had this for about a week now. Chronic Conditions: What is Autoimmune Disease Rash? It stings at times and if its not sore its stinging, like an open sore. However, it can be hard to figure out just why your skin feels sensitive or even painful. For intense pain, you can apply warm and cold compress on the affected area to soothe the pain. Plants (herbs): this skin pain is different. For other readers who are interested to read more about weighted blankets, please refer to my article Why Weighted Blanket Helps with Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Autism, and More (Evidence Based). This is nerve pain due to damage caused by the varicella zoster virus.9 The result is that the skin is very sensitive to the touch. Im wondering if Im suffering from the side effects from all those dangerous-sometimes fatal-meds. I am 71, exercise at least 5 days a week, eat well, non-smoker-never, couple of beers a week, take generic for flomax, mild blood pressure [not sure we have this properly balanced]. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America recommends the following strategies to lower stress levels:7. Allodynia is when the skin hurts to touch in response to things that shouldnt normally cause a pain response; the usual examples are clothing or temperature changes. However, doctors generally agree that making lifestyle changes like losing weight, being more active, and having a healthy well-balanced diet can help to manage the symptoms of diabetes.14. This may cause burning pain in your skin long after the shingles rash has disappeared. It starts on one side of my body and gradually moves to the other side. One way to reduce the pain caused by shingles is to use Manuka honey as a topical treatment. There are two main theories of what causes allodynia: One idea holds that mechanically sensitive nerve endings pick up gentle touch signals as usual, but those signals are somehow perceived as . You can use pain relievers and ice packs to reduce the pain and control the swelling. There is also some evidence to suggest that a vitamin B deficiency could also trigger migraines in some people. Your email address will not be published. Just wondering if its normal. Excellent points that we will be sure to keep in mind for future posts. Blood sugar runs between 90 and 130. Shingles are described as a painful, blistering rash on the skin that is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Have a look in your inbox or spam folder to confirm the sign-up was successful! I have an appointment in a couple of weeks with a neurologist, so we will see. Some times its on my upper back, some times on my biceps, some times even on my hip, but never on my legs at least not yet. The best things would be to go to your family doctor who knows your medical history and is able to refer you to do some tests is required and give you a professional diagnosis. If you suffer from migraines, you may find that your skin becomes hypersensitive during a migraine attack. Overexposure results in first-to-second-degree burns across the affected part of your body, which then causes tender skin or skin that is sore to the touch. Even my laundry is washed with hypoallergenic soap, we use lemon for cleaning agents around the homeso itd not likely chemical based. For years my husband has called me a delicate little flower because of the times he felt that he barely bumped into me or brushed up against me caused enough pain for me to yell ouch that really hurt. In some, the skin pain only happens in response to both hot and cold temperatures (thermal allodynia) or only one of the two. Sensitivity may occur with food textures, clothing or fabric textures, self-care tasks, and receiving a hug or kiss. Neuropathy is most commonly seen in the limbs (peripheral neuropathy), so if this is the cause, you may experience touch-sensitive skin on your arms and legs more than elsewhere on the body. If you are over 40 years of age and have been exposed to the chickenpox virus, you are at risk for developing shingles. There are, of course, reasons for this skin sensitivity which are caused by external factors, like sunburn or skin injuries. No rash, no redness, no bumps, nothing. It almost feels like if I had a scratch down my arm, that sort of pain - but there's no scratch. New Study Shows COVID May Be Reactivating Viruses in Long COVID Added to List of Autoimmune Diseases: Heres Parosmia After COVID: Heres What You Can Expect, Antiviral Paxlovid May Lower Long COVID Risk, Antibodies Identified May Make Coronavirus Vaccines Unnecessary. I have also read somewhere that cimetidine can help block the cells for herpetic pain. These autoimmune diseases include: However, some types of autoimmune diseases directly affect the skin. Skin sensitive to touch no rash can be a frustrating and painful condition. Tags: FibromyalgiaNatural TreatmentsPain ReliefSkin Sensitivity. I also described it as being rubbed with sandpaper and clothing was unbearable. Cold Laser Therapy for Chronic Pain: Should You Try It? Is your skin sensitive or does it hurt to touch all of a sudden? Doctor cant either. In fact, even lightly touching your skin can feel unbearably painful. Using your phone in bed. I have been feeling this for 3 days now it scaring me. However, my pain comes and goes and usually somewhere from the waist down (it seems to pick and choose different places). Once I sat down into my car and it almost felt like there was a bubble or something in there that popped and hurt extremely bad as if I was stabbed. Ive been diagnosed with Sensory Polyneuropathy. I have had this for as long as I can remember. Mpox Emergency Declaration to End in 2023, Athletes Foot 101: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments, Athlete Pain Management Video Interview With David Howard, Athlete Pain Management Interview with Fred Willis & Concussions, symptoms normally only affect one side of your body, Dermatitis is a general term covering different types of skin inflammation, Knee Osteoarthritis May Worsen With Popular Treatment, Studies Find, Chronic Pain Resources: The New Pain Resource Community, Dont Ignore Tingling and Numbness in Hands and Feet. Every burn increases your chances of contracting skin cancer. These diseases result in damage to the protective covering that surrounds nerve fibers in your brain and spinal cord. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! Skin Is Sensitive to the Touch Causes and Possible Treatments was last modified: April 24th, 2018 by Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer. This does sound like it could be the allodynia that is common with fibro. Theres no rash or redness. The pain continued for a while and then it stopped and reappeared on my lower right shoulder blade. Right behind my left armpit area. I have Used a scabies topical medication, and it has worked in the past. For me it rarely happens, usually on my arms. We're told using a straw is better for our teeth but apparently it's actually doing our skin no favours - sucking a straw can contribute to the fine lines and wrinkles around your mouth. This is slightly different from the other forms of skin sensitivity described here since theres nothing wrong with the skin or nerves; the brain is receiving the right information, but it isnt interpreting it correctly. Migraines can lead to the condition of skin sensitive to touch, but it can vary from person to person. Frequent pressing will make any area sore and will make it difficult to tell if the situation is improving. 2006 Apr;28(2):79-93. There can be several reasons for developing a skin sensitive to touch, and the reasons could range from being as simple as a sunburn to a severe disease. Depending on the cause, you can follow neuropathy treat the skin sensitive to touch. It's definitely the skin that hurts, not the muscle underneath. In my article Ive mentioned that sometimes the skin sensitivity and pain caused by shingles can continue after the rash has disappeared and this is called postherpetic neuralgia. - my skin looks completely normal. I am very sorry to hear about your condition and I can imagine how disruptive it is to your daily life. There can be many reasons for having a hypersensitive skin that is sore to touch. Reasons Why Your Skin Is Sensitive to Touch or Hurts When Touched 1. My stimulating the area when the pain is, you send conflicting signals (ie. Its important to talk with your doctor about your skin sensitivities and other symptoms, so you can get on the right treatment plan. Updated January 24, 2018. Along with redness, your skin might be more reactive than usual. 19. This also helped relieve pain caused by shingles.17. According to Mayo clinic. Started it 1 week ago. Int J Cosmet Sci. . Even just rubbing lightly gives this sensation. It feels awkward and unusual, but not like an actual pain. Your email address will not be published. Another common symptom is a tingling sensation. I have type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. It went away after the fifth month. Please help me Ive been sensitive for three years, and i dont have a solution in my country My skin is sensitive Tell me a solution. The fact that the pain subsided is good, but to be on the safe side of things I think its best to see your doctor. Some people under extreme mental stress experience hypersensitivity in the skin which causes pain when touched. The 4 piece kit comes with our Rose Water, Ginger Mandarin, Lavender, and Blue . I also have dermatitis, it flares up from time to time and the cream clears it quickly. Extreme mood swings. People may also describe it according to the part of the body where it. Many different conditions may contribute to sensitive skin. I believe that we have very similar symptoms. Sunburn What It Is: "Sunburn is a result of excessive exposure to ultraviolet light. It isn't usual "pain," really - it doesn't necessarily bother me, as it doesn't hurt that badly, but is sort of sensitive to touch and air hitting it. it only hurts it something light rubs against it, there's no rash. What causes sensitive skin? Join our online community by clicking here. 2. Lyme borreliosis and skin. After 2-weeks I was getting ready to return to work when I started experiencing visual problems (initially sore eyes & headaches and then increasingly reduced vision)after much complaining I was pushed in to see the Drs in the Opthamology dept. Doesnt stay long, it comes it goes normally on my upper arms but once on my leg, My skin is tender to the touch on my hips on the inside and out side of my hips lower left side of my back and top left shoulder right upper side of my back right next to my back bone a spot about as big of a dime my hands and feet become tender and stiffness my right knee and down the inside of my shines and I have a burning sensation in these areas as well with swelling no redness or rash and sometimes its so tender it causes extreme pain and cold chills. Red Food Dye 40 Foods May Be Triggering Your IBD Symptoms, Study Finds, New Study Shows COVID May Be Reactivating Viruses in the Body. Hi Robert, I stumbled on this article, due to my symptoms that totally mimic your symptoms. However, those leisurely activities are fine only up to a certain point as overexposure can lead to first-to-second-degree burns. You should schedule an appointment with your doctor whenever your skin is sensitive to the touch and especially if this sensitivity is interfering with normal activity. Neuropathy: Sounds like a nerve problem, so we'd call it neuropathy. The symptoms occur when I am wearing sox, that may be slightly tight, and at night time while sleeping. For shingles to develop, a person must have had chicken pox in childhood. Any ideas. This just happened to me 3 days ago! Allodynia is a type of neuropathic pain. It simply hurts to the touch of your hands, even clothing will irritate you. It sounds like Allodynia described above. I am anemic as well! I have both and I have almost the same symptoms you have. Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal pain disorder and has no known cause. I cant figure out what is going on. Some people experience a tingling sensation on their skin because of a vitamin B12 deficiency. You may hear this described in the following medical terms: hyperalgesia - feeling pain from pressure or temperature that would not normally be painful Hi, Ive been experiencing something similar. The journal Current Neuropharmacology says that allodynia can affect some diabetics so much that touching the skin causes extremely severe pain.13, Diabetes should be managed under the supervision of a qualified medical practitioner. Repeat touching in the same spot makes my skin hypersensitive and then it causes pain or extreme irritation. Im experiencing the same symptoms. There can be several reasons for developing a skin sensitive to touch, and the reasons could range from being as simple as a sunburn to a severe disease. Here are some possible treatments or things to keep in mind to avoid the burning sensation on skin: Use an oatmeal-based product in a cool water bath. For example, psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are examples of autoimmune diseases that directly affect the skin. This results in the skin becoming easily affected with breakout of rashes and itching. Other symptoms of the deadly disease include a loss of smell and taste, fever, aches, breathlessness, fatigue, a dry cough, diarrhea, strokes and seizures, and for some, no symptoms at all. However you say you dont have rash now, so maybe what you had was something else? 6 ways to control type 2 diabetes. I am in the middle of a second occurrence of my skin really hurting. Read More. This has now persisted for about 3-weeks and has at times spread down into my legs and is currently affecting both my sides particualarly under the armpits. Its as if the whole body has ants crawling all over it. Then 3 1/2 weeks ago I developed hypersensitive skin on the right side of my abdomen around to middle of my back. 1. Hope this helps someone! Its been about two weeks and I go without a bra as much as possible because it irritates the area even though there isnt any redness or bumps. If you experience any kind of pain, itchiness, tenderness, or a tingling feeling, then you may have allodynia. According to the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Lyme disease can cause allodynia which can appear months to years after being infected.15. Hi Michael, Ive seen in Mayo Clinic that hives can become a chronic if the welts appear for more than six weeks and recur frequently over months or years. Psychiatric factors in patients with sensitive skin. Objectively measurable signs of irritation are not always present in individuals with sensitive skin, however, subjective sensory effects such as, itching, burning, stinging, tightness, and dryness, are consistently present. Ibuprofen usually makes it goes away, but not always. Now, my skin has started hurting for a couple of weeks. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I somehow took a bath and called up my sister, aunt and uncle, all of whom are doctors. There is no lump or mark to see or feel, just the pain somedays (but not all days). If I pull off even a light weight blanket, it gives my the top of my legs some uncomfortable pain. I also have type 2 diabetes, bu have never experienced a pain like this, Its the same pain whether I lightly brush against it, or if I press it. Answered in 19 minutes by: Dr. Mark, Physician / Surgeon 25,916 Satisfied Customers U.S. Neuropathy means something is wrong with the nerves. Especially the last 2 years. 1. Go see your doc. maybe shingles? What Causes It: "The ultraviolet light causes damage to the skin cells, which then release inflammatory signals and some undergo programmed cell death." Sensitivity to touch due to t actile allodynia , thermal allodynia or mechanical allodynia is a common symptom of fibromyalgia. Even the slightest touch, bump or change in temperature can cause intense pain. Chemotherapy drugs can cause the skin to become extra sensitive to touch as well. The symptoms of dysesthesia vary between individuals, but they tend to affect the skin, scalp, face, mouth, torso, arms, and legs. I thought maybe it was some sort of mite infestation. Sign Up for the Latest Health News and Tips. Check yourself for ticks after returning from a walk. Its right above his rib cage in front. Allodynia is a possible symptom of a migraine attack; however, the exact form of allodynia experienced can vary from person to person. Apply calamine lotion to the affected area. Its important to talk with your doctor about your skin sensitivities and other symptoms, so you can get on the right treatment plan. When you have allodynia, your body sends pain signals from non-painful stimuli. Besides having autism spectrum disorder, level 1, I also have a hypersensitive nervous system. A headache. I dont remember what it feels like to not have pain. Individuals who experience touch sensitivity often say they are more bothered by things that touch their skin than others. Autoimmune diseases occur when your immune system mistakenly attacks your body. Hypersensitive skin which is sore to touch can cover large areas of the body or it can be localized to a small area. My dermatologist diagnosed my problem as neuropathic pain and put me on Gabapentin 100mg. Home Skin Care Why Is My Skin Sensitive to the Touch? Frequent pressing will make any area sore and will make it difficult to tell if the sore feeling is there. Fabric textures, self-care tasks, and Blue the causes behind before looking for a cure to treat.... May require a visit to the touch problem since November of 2020 tenderness, or a tingling on... Blistering rash on the right side of my forearm bicep.. this really sensitivity. Disruptive it is: & quot ; sunburn is a result of excessive exposure to ultraviolet light very.... It stings at times and no telling what else i have type 2 and... Which can appear months to years after being infected.15 could cause your skin and. 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skin sensitive to touch but nothing there
